Creative outlets are necessary in life to burn off excess stress or show one’s
passion for a specific hobby or lifestyle. These outlets can help ease the mind from daily
events that can leave us tired and burnt out. Creative outlets can be a large variety of
activities such as, art, music, cooking, sewing, programming, engineering, etc..
There are many benefits to having creative outlets. These outlets both relax the
mind from stress and exercise the mind of the creator to come up with new, fresh,
organic ideas. Creative outlets can lead to having better understanding, research and
problem-solving abilities. For example, when someone is creating art and needs a
specific color for their painting, they research and experiment to find the correct mixing
combination to get the right result. When someone’s outlet is cooking and they need to
find a replacement ingredient for dietary restrictions, they research and experiment to
find a work around. As interior designers and architects, we use research every day to
problem solve, understand building materials better, and understand and progress the
overall project.
Having a creative outlet comes with a sense of accomplishment and pride. Being
able to produce something you have made yourself has a feeling like no other. If you
are an artist, it is very rewarding to have someone praise or even purchase your work.
As someone who creates for themselves, it still offers the creator a sense of
achievement. Going hand in hand with creating offering a sense of accomplishment is
when people who create become inclined to start a business. Being paid to create and
express yourself is possibly the best job a person can have.
My personal example of a creative outlet is that I personally write and produce
music. It is a hobby I have had for many years. Slowly I have acquired the tools I need
to make creating more accessible. Just as someone who uses a more physical and
tangible outlet such as art, or cooking, music offers a way to express myself verbally
while putting passion and emotion into the lyrics and instrumentals.

Overall, creative outlets are highly beneficial to us. These outlets offer us a sense
of accomplishment, share our personal knowledge of specific topics, trades, hobbies,
and passions with the world. They offer stress reducing periods where we as creators
can let our imaginations run wild. Our abilities to comprehend and research ways to
improve our skills and our end results of our creations are expanded every day.
Creative outlets help us sculpt ourselves into the people we want to be.
