In my quest to “downsize” and consolidate my life into my home on the cape, I still find myself with a lot of stuff – even though we have donated a house full of items to local charities and thrift stores …. So, I have been doing some research on various ways to create efficient yet accessible storage to put it all away!! Ideas to buy or build…
As with any truly good web search, I found myself on a journey through many things that were not relevant, mildly interesting and could work but were from that mysterious site Alibaba… I always hope though, that along the way I stumble upon some nugget of information or something really not related, but interesting as hell…
On this research journey I found a site on Skinny Houses…. The skinniest in the world to be exact and learned that one is in Boston, in the North End, built to spite their neighbors…..
So, a “spite house”, a term I had never heard. ….. another interesting detour in the world of web browsing…..More info on this and other homes is here:
1. Warsaw, Poland
The first and most interesting is the Keret House in Warsaw Poland by architect Jakub Szczęsny. It is 60” wide at its widest and 36” at its narrowest…. It is considered an art installation and not a home by Polish Law.. Most interesting about this “Home” is that while other homes fall into the category of Skinny House most tend to widen at the rear part of the land. This home maintains its thin width and fits in everything that is needed..
This is an interview with the resident.

2. San Juan Puerto Rico, La Casa Estrecha. This home is only 5 feet wide, 36 feet deep and is two stories.

3. Amsterdam – Called Singel 166 and starts out at 6 feet wide but does widen towards the rear of the property. This is a private dwelling.

4. London – The Silver House – designed by Boyarsky Murphy Architects was once the Stables of another residence. This home starts at the front at just over 10 feet wide and widens towards the back, the shifting geometries allows for much needed natural light and outdoor space.
For more photos and floorplans visit this website
5. Tokyo – Lucky Drops – Built by architect Yasuhiro Yamashito. The odd shaped lot is only 2.5 feet at its narrowest and just under ten feet at its widest and is three stories. But the use of light framing and translucent walls make it feel more open.

More photos and the full story here:
6. Boston’s North End..
This is a spite house built by one brother to block the other brothers view.. YIKES!!! You can rent it on VRBO…

Now….. I really need to do a fourth purge of things…….