What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
I spent 5 incredible summers working at a Boy Scout overnight summer camp where I held a wide variety of odd-jobs ranging from a camp kitchen and services and teaching merit badges in cooking, camping, orienteering, wilderness survival and spent a summer working at the rifle, archery, and shotgun ranges. My favorite job was Program Commissioner, the person who serves as the liaison between the visiting troops and the staff and also serves as the entertainment director for the camp. Think cruise director, but on land.

What is your favorite food?
I could probably eat burritos every day for the rest of my life.
What is one song you know every word to?
“We Didn’t Start the Fire,” by Billy Joel. As a native Long Islander, we’re all legally required to memorize the entire Billy Joel back catalogue (kidding… though I did once really have a history assignment where we had to report on any ten items mentioned in the song).
What did you wish to become when you grew up?
I’ve always known I was going to be an Architect for as far back as I can remember. My dad was an elevator mechanic in New York City and I would sometimes tag along on his service calls growing up. This allowed me to get up and close to a wide variety of buildings of all shapes and sizes, which I found fascinating and every trip left me wanting to see and learn more.
What was your favorite toy?
My Super Nintendo – I still have it (and occasionally play it) to this day!
What is your guilty pleasure?
You can often catch me listening to the latest pop single of the week.
What is something about yourself you could totally brag about but usually don’t?
I am an Eagle Scout.
If you could have one song play every time you entered a room what would it be and why?
“Megalovania”, from the video game Undertale.
What’s your favorite season and why?
Summer all the way! I’m a big fan of warm outdoor activities, and I prefer to be outside as much as possible when the weather cooperates.

What’s something you saw recently that made you smile?
Through the course of the pandemic, I stumbled upon a group of LGBTQ+ DJs who had started streaming regular sets over twitch to anyone who wanted to listen while all the bars and clubs they would normally play at were closed, providing some great background music to an otherwise all-too-quiet year. Recently, a personal matter hit a member of the community very hard. Almost immediately the conversation turned to how we can help them, and within days the community came together and raised a few thousand dollars to help them get through this difficult time, despite most of us having never met face-to-face.
If you could snap your fingers and become an expert at something, what would you want to become an expert at?
Revit! 🙂 I always wanted to learn how to play the piano but never had the time.
What’s something you’ve done, but will never do again?
Snowboarding. Over the years, I’ve discovered many times that winter activities are very much not my cup of tea.
What’s a trip that changed you, and why?
In high school I was a part of a student ambassador program that sent a group of high schoolers and a few teacher chaperones to western Europe for three weeks. Being able to experience other cultures firsthand really helped me to understand and appreciate the world we live in and celebrate the unique qualities that make every culture special.
