What made you decide to become a designer?
I’ve always been interested in the transformation of space. When I was younger, you could always hear me pushing furniture around in my room, rearranging the layout and adding new pieces of my own art to the walls. I loved exploring and creating different ways to use my own space. My parents may have found the screeching of furniture on their new hardwood floors annoying but I surely enjoyed myself! I never thought that I could have a career in interior design, I simply enjoyed the process of being creative and solving the never-ending puzzle of my own room.

What’s the best place you have ever visited?
I got the opportunity to stay in Edinburgh, Scotland when I was studying for my Masters of Architecture in 2022. This trip was my first time leaving the country and I was amazed by how old the old architecture truly is. You get glimpses of this architecture in Boston, but nothing compared to the old city. For our project, my classmates and I used the city as our site, so we were more involved in unveiling the history and being apart of the community / culture of Scotland. My life changed after this trip and I’ll never forget the memories I made there. I’ve been back once already and I cant wait for the next time!

What advice would you give to your teenage self?
When I was a teenager, I was very concerned about what people thought about me & would react quickly – almost to predict what someone was going to say, before they even said anything! My advice to my younger self would be to not jump to conclusions, be patient, and listen.
What energizes you outside of work?
In the summertime, I like to spend my time outside of work down at my family’s cottage in Old Saybrook, CT. We go fishing, crabbing, snail finding and bike riding. I love living a very simple life surrounded by friends and family – and they’re usually what energizes me the most.
Generally, I am not a very energized person, so when I have time outside of work, I usually find time to relax & unwind. I love reading and thrifting. In a sense, finding a good book or a treasured item makes me very energized!

What did you wish to become when you grew up?
It was always between being a hairdresser or an interior designer. At the time, I was always fascinated by my family’s hairdresser & wanted to have my own salon one day to be just like her. I started to draw out plans and make spaces for my salon, pick colors and furniture … later on, since I was always rearranging my room and drawing dream room plans, my mom helped me realize that interior design may be a successful path for me.

What’s something you’ve done, but will never do again?
Snowboarding. I use to love going up to New Hampshire or Vermont in the winter. I loved the feeling of being on the mountain, waffle mid run & the nap that comes after. I had a pretty bad fall in 2021 that resulted in me breaking my arm. The fracture was close to my shoulder so it was almost impossible to move. After surgery and 8 months of PT, I have a 6 bolts, a titanium plate, a large scar, and almost full mobility. Although I love the sport, this break resulted in many challenges, so I would probably never snowboard again!
What is something about yourself you could totally brag about but usually don’t?
I know how to drive manual and I have my boaters license! I love to driving around – on land or water!
